DVD "TAKOVEJ BAREVNEJ VOCAS LETICI KOMETY" - (A Colorful Tail of a flying Comet)

€ 15,00





Dokumentární film
Česko, 2015, 100 min
Režie: Václav Kučera
Scénář: Václav Kučera
Kamera: Diviš Marek
Hrají: Jáchym Topol, Filip Topol, Josef Topol, David Skála
Titulky: anglické

Celovečerní dokumentární film vypráví o Filipu Topolovi, skladateli, textaři, klavíristovi a zpěvákovi skupiny Psí vojáci, jehož tvorba zasáhla tři generace. Snímek odkrývá, jak se v životním osudu a postojích Filipa Topola odrážela doba před i po sametové revoluci, jeho posedlost hudbou a láska k Mozartovi, ale také jeho závažná nemoc. Celým filmem prostupují písně, které sám Filip Topol označoval za formu svých deníků, a jeho povídky, doplněné postřehy a vzpomínkami jeho životních souputníků a přátel. V neposlední řadě obsahuje záznamy rozhovorů s hlavním protagonistou v unikátních archivech, z nichž mnohé dosud nebyly publikovány.




ENGLISH __________________________________ ENGLISH _________________________

A Colourful Tail of a Flying Comet

Documentary of legendary Czech band Psi Vojaci (Dog Soldiers) made in 
Czech Republic , 2015, 100 min
Director and scenario: Václav Kučera
camera: Diviš Marek
Stars: Jáchym Topol, Filip Topol, Josef Topol, David Skála

This feature-length documentary film tells the story of Filip Topol, the composer, lyricist, piano player and singer of the band Psí vojáci, whose work touched three generations. The charismatic and multitalented artist first started garnering wider attention when he was only 13 years old, though in Communist Czechoslovakia his need for free expression soon got him unwanted notice and thus for the next ten years Filip and his young band were forced to shift to the alternative environment of the underground scene. The film uncovers how Filip Topol’s life and attitude reflected the period before and after the Velvet Revolution, his obsession with music and love for Mozart as well as his serious illness. The entire film is permeated with Filip Topol’s songs, which he called his diaries, along with his short stories, complemented by the comments and memories of his brother Jáchym, girlfriend Sylvie and the friends and companions that touched his life and, last but not least, recordings from unique archives of interviews with the star of the show himself, many of which have never been published before.





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